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Membership Subscription Rates

Membership Type Subscription
Individual £20
Students/unwaged/retired £10
Married couple £24
Married couple retired £12

Membership Application

Membership can be for individuals or married couples.

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Forenames of spouse if joint membership required:
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I would like to:
join the Society for Ecumenical Studies.
renew my membership
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Individual £20
Students/unwaged/retired £10
Married Couple £24
Married couple retired £12
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Cheque payable to the Society for Ecumenical Studies
Banker's Order
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As a member of the Society for Ecumenical Studies, I permit the above details to be held on a database for the sole purpose of the administration of the Society.

Donation to the Society for Ecumenical Studies

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City or Town:
I would like to donate: £