About the Society for Ecumenical Studies

The Society for Ecumenical Studies welcomes members from all churches and backgrounds, clergy and lay, who are committed to the unity of the Church of Christ and to study of its nature and purpose. Members seek to promote understanding and co-operation, practising the prayer of Jesus to his Father on the night before he died 'that they all may be one, that the world may believe.......' (John 17: 23)

The aims of the Society for Ecumenical Studies are to

The Society for Ecumenical Studies works in collaboration with study institutes, ecumenical organisations and groups of churches at local, national and international levels.

The Society for Ecumenical Studies organises seminars, day conferences and other events that explore current issues and challenges within the Christian Ecumenical Movement. These provide appropriate historical and theological awareness, as well as stimulating imaginative and creative responses to today's perplexities. Recent events include:

Methodist Central Hall, Westminster (c) FreeFoto.com

Westminster Abbey (c) FreeFoto.com

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